WONG WA - 40 years of research
Fine Arts of China graduate
- Galerie Boyer-Labarre, Genève, 2008
- Centre nautique St Pierre, Ile de la Réunion, 2009
- Villa des Arts, Tampon, Ile de la Réunion, 2010
- European Space Agency, Paris 7, 2010
- Salle d'Exposition, Tampon, Ile de la Réunion, 2011
- Galerie Lipao Huang, Chinese Institute, Paris 6, 2011
- Galerie Da Mei Xi Zhan, Beijing, 2012
- Musée Xinjiang,international collective caligraphy exhibit, China, 2012
- Panhères Club, St Pierre, Ile de la Réunion, 2013
Exposition "40 ANS DE SCULPTURES"
185 oeuvres exposées
Du 15 au 30 avril 2016
Wong Wa was born in the Fujian province in 1953 - among a family of artists and teachers. Ever since attracted to arts as a young boy, he starts learning as a teenager from great artists of various specialties : paintings, calligraphy, seal carving, sculpture and western paintings. Then he has been employed for four years by the city cultural center of Fuzhou, head city of his birth province.
In 1978, he decides to leave China to go to Hong Kong, which represents a bridge on intellectual, architectural and social levels, between the East and the West. He has worked for seven years in movie advertising and made numerous posters for Hong Kong productions. He managed to keep learning deeper in calligraphy and seals, pulishing on a regular basis in a specialized revue at the time.

You are a private individual, a museum, a culural center, a gallery, interested in Wong Wa's work, contact him, he will get back to you.
He started in 1980 creating his own sculptures series.
In 1984, he decided to leave again and join France.
There, as until now, he created many artworks, stimulated and inspired by different western artistic movements' theories and masterpieces. Always with great humility he took interest in great masters of his time.
He was and still remains impregnated with rich cultural, literary, aesthetic, philosophic traditions, especially in Taoism. Thus, he kept working, isolated and protected from competition in this spirit, without caring about fame or economical success.
Bein a Chinese artist living western, he mostly finds himself on the fringe of western artistic movements, of their evolution and approach. Outside of China, he could also avoid the temptation of handicrafts business. This is how Wong Wa expressed his personnal research in his work.
In his work, Wong Wa allies his research in calligraphy (ideograms and technics) with a conceptual research, which links him to modern art. To the spectator who seeks a visible and identifiable object (the character), he presents an illegible object. That is why his artworks are on the boarder of modern paintings and calligraphy, and yet keep coming back to calligraphy. A Chinese connaisseur will always be able to read them, Wong Wa's purpose is to give pure visual emotion. On the other hand, his calligraphic approach takes the specator along a second visual journey : a journey back in time, with ancient, known, appraised imagery, seriously studied in China by both calligraphists and historians : seal writing.